Montenegrin Journal of Economics

Optimality And Equilibrium In A Single-Product Economic Model With Collective Good (Computer Experiments)

Yuriy N. Gavrilets and Irina V. Tarakanova

2013, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 7-20

This paper considers some of the simplest models of the economy with the collective good. Used computer simulations illustrate the relationship between equilibrium and the optimum. We propose a heuristic method for finding the economic equilibrium with the collective goods, which is a variant of the tâtonnement process.

suggested citation:

Yuriy N. Gavrilets and Irina V. Tarakanova. "Optimality And Equilibrium In A Single-Product Economic Model With Collective Good (Computer Experiments)." Montenegrin Journal of Economics. vol. 9, no. 4, 2013, p. 7-20

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